our Classes

Check out our Coastal Fitness Center classes for both small & large group exercise.
Always updating and the rosters fill quickly. You can always reach out to our professional staff if you have any questions on anything we offer, but don't delay or you'll miss out on the fun! All our classes are conducted by professional trainers and instructors. With so many classes available, you can't help but join in on the fun! From Body Boot Camp to Zumba, we got you covered on many of the most popular and essential classes for fitness. This does come with some popularity so again, don't wait and miss out!

Coastal Fitness Center's Fitness Classes are conducted in fun group or small group levels with tons of fun!

coastal fitness CLASS SIGNUP & SCHEDULE

Whether you are just starting out and looking for smaller groups with more attention to your situation or you're comfortable with larger groups and more interaction, our Coastal Fitness classes are geared toward your success. Feel free to checkout what we offer below and discuss classes with our staff. We continually strive to make your experience the best possible and a major key to jumping into fitness is choosing the right path that works for you.
No stress, no pressure, all fun. The way fitness is supposed to be.

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