James Bell

personal trainer

Meet James,

His passion for fitness was first fostered years ago on football fields, wrestling mats, and hockey ice. Ever since James was a young boy, he enjoyed participating in competitive sports. That desire was only solidified in high school and college as he continued to compete in multiple sports. After graduating from college, fitness took on a different meaning as James became a public education teacher and coached both football and wrestling. During this time, James’ interest in fitness shifted from himself to his players. The importance of helping others in their pursuit of health became as important as his own. James’ interest in fitness and the human body performing at an optimal level grew through the years as he continued to explore the athletic goals and success of those he coached.James retired from teaching and coaching but never wavered in his desire to help others. His interest in physical fitness only grew stronger. That lead to James becoming a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. James believes that every training plan starts with a relationship. It is this relationship, understanding the clients goals, needs, challenges, and strengths that allows James to ensure both the relevance and rigor of the training program. James believes that training should be fun, but he also believes in accountability and not cheating one’s self on any rep or any exercise. Working hard, having fun, and feeling confident are all part of a training session with James.

Certified Personal Trainer (NASM)
Certified Nutrition Coach (NASM)
Strength and Conditioning Coach (NASM)
Corrective Exercise Trainer (NASM)

Scuba Diving Instructor (SDI)
SCUBA Emergency Diver (ERDI)
SCUBA Dive Master (SDI)

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